Ever dream of shaping the world into a better place? You go looking for a blog about design and sustainability only to find zilch, you feel like a sucker so you go back to just not having dreams? Yeah, it happens to the best of us.
Blogs are a great starting point for staying on top of new sustainability technology, design thinking and innovations…that is IF you can find a good one.
Having to sift through countless lame blogs before finding “the one” can be a huge pain in the keister. Never fear: I have collected 10 sustainable design blogs that I think you’ll love (or at least like).
core77.com (General Design)
ambalaj.se (Packaging Design)
saiint.co.uk (Fashion Design)
thenotepasser.com (Lifestyle Design)
carlsonstudio.org (Architecture)
blog.stateofgreen.com.au (General Design)
lynnhoffmandesign.com (Interior Design)
mightybytes.com (Web Design)
sustainablebrands.com (General Design)
tedxinnovations.ted.com (Innovative Ideas)
We hope this small list of sustainable design blogs help you on your journey through the world of design and sustainability.