Manoverboard Manoverboard



A project of The McConnell Foundation, Innoweave offers a combination of coaching services, resources, and funds to help nonprofits throughout Canada build capacity, address systemic social and environmental challenges, and deliver a bigger impact in communities.

20 Jul 2020

  • Brand standards guides
  • Content strategy
  • Presentation decks
  • WordPress development
  • Workshops and facilitation
Visit Site

Unique in its approach and outlook, Innoweave is a nonprofit matchmaking service writ large. From its national level perch, the organization has a pan-Canadian reach and perspective to meet the nation's diverse geographic, cultural, and economic needs. With a focus on social innovation coaching, its services are responsive, personal, and targeted.

To keep pace with its innovative approach, Innoweave engaged Manoverboard to rethink its entire web platform from the ground up. The organization sought to collect its numerous project streams in a way that communicated them to visitors more comprehensively. It also needed a mechanism to share its growing resource library, helping nonprofits find the right materials at the right time. We needed to encapsulate all of this in a user-friendly, bilingual format for English and French visitors.

A person working in a greenhouse.
Four people having a meeting outside in an urban setting.
A screenshot of Innoweave's statistics found on their website. There is a dark, lime green background with six different numbers in yellow lettering, each with a small blurb, representing a different statistic.
A screenshot from the Innoweave resources page. An orange triangular banner in the top left corner spans half the page and reads

The website we delivered is a tightly configured platform that helps applicants, coaches and partners easily find what they are looking for. With hundreds of coaches available to nonprofit leaders, the new site helps to more easily create new connections. It also provides technical and other useful resources that community leaders need to further their impact.

The new website features resources around topics such as social innovation, social entrepreneurship, collective impact, and community engagement and provides an assessment for potential grantees to determine their needs and aspirations. It showcases hundreds of coaches throughout Canada who can help build capacity around social innovation for nonprofits. The site also integrates an events system that promotes ongoing webinars about topics such as scaling impact.

Innoweave's website is now completely bilingual, accessible,  and performant. Thousands of visitors come to the site every month to find the creative tools and resources they need to leverage their skill sets, create new networks, and improve outcomes for their communities.

A screenshot of the

A screenshot from the
A screenshot from the