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Founded in 1882, Pitblado is the second oldest law practice in Manitoba. The firm prides itself on strong, enduring relationships and its ability to bring comprehensive solutions to the complex problems that its corporate and nonprofit clients experience.

23 Mar 2021

  • Content strategy
  • Ecommerce and donations
  • WordPress development
Visit Site

Pitblado combines its more than 135 years of experience and expertise with an understanding of today’s corporate practices. With a large and diverse team of lawyers, the firm has an international footprint and reputation and is increasingly working with organizations outside of the province who need expert in-province counsel. Each lawyer has a specialized area of practice giving the firm a deep bench with an expansive knowledge base alongside its abiding commitment to community.

With a website that was difficult to navigate, update and grow, Pitblado came to Manoverboard seeking to create an inviting, professional, and confident site that will take the firm into the next decade, allowing it to flex and scale over time. Given the firm has more than 60 lawyers and 70 support staff, the challenge was to construct a site that would highlight their team's expertise and qualifications with multiple content engagement points to draw in visitors.

Two business men talking and laughing together.
A businesswoman walking down a hallway.
Four confident looking lawyers looking off into the distance.
A smiling businessman looking at his phone.
A man and a woman meeting at a conference table.
A screenshot from the
A screenshot of the news page on Pitblado's website. There are three columns of the latest news on a warm white background. Each has a title at the top, followed by an image of professionals in a business setting.
A screenshot from the

A screenshot from the
A screenshot of the

We built a site that validates Pitblado's expertise by showcasing the quality and tenor of the firm's services, generating leads through compelling design and clear calls to action. The site elegantly houses relevant content that meets the needs of one-time and returning visitors, sharing thought-leadership, events, and community commitments.

For the look and feel of this site, we took an “international style” design approach to underscore that Pitblado plays a role on a global stage of commerce. The clear, crisp typography, the tight grid structure, and the monochrome colour palette help to present the firm as an established yet enterprising organization on the world stage. Pitblado’s numerous practice areas and specialties are easily navigable so that visitors can find a suitable lawyer with ease. Each lawyer has a customizable profile page to showcase their expertise, ideas, and interests. We also integrated a payment system into the site that allows clients to settle their bills online.

Pitblado’s vision is “to be a trusted law firm through exceptional counsel, integrity, innovative approach, and proactive client solutions.” We took that vision seriously — and applied it to their online platform: the firm’s new site offers superb content, a unique and helpful interface, and a means to inform and engage its visitors.

A screenshot of the Pitblado home page on an iPhone.
A screenshot of the Pitblado website on an iPhone with a
A screenshot of the Pitblado news page on an iPhone.
A screenshot of the Pitblado
A screenshot of the Pitblado website guide on an iPhone.
A screenshot of Pitblado testimonials on an iPhone.